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'Big Data' on your side

Our team managing $36+ million dollars of annual digital advertising makes big data work for you (no longer against you)

'AI' - Artificial Intelligence

No longer an advantage solely for the biggest players our massive cloud-based artificial intelligence platform analyzes everything 24X7X365

Our team of experts

Our 25+ person team of experts takes big data and artificial intelligence and brings it directly to improve your bottom line


What is 'Big Data'?

Managing $36+ million dollars of digital advertising annually our team collects, analyzes and acts on more real-world data every year than the biggest advertisers in the retirement community and senior housing industry (the ones that spend more than $1 million dollars on digital marketing annually) will see in nearly the next FORTY years!

Anonymously aggregating that information and bringing that insight and real-world experience to your digital marketing campaigns.

That’s not just “Big Data”, that’s “HUGE Data”!

Finally you can make “Big Data” work for you and compete with the biggest of the biggest (instead of their “big data” working against you).

How does 'AI' work?

Everything our team of experts has learned in their history of managing digital advertising campaigns has been programmed into our proprietary cloud-based Artificial Intelligence platform.

It takes the massive amount of real-time advertising information we gather 24X7X365 and analyzes it around the clock, watching what’s trending up, what’s trending down, what’s working, what’s not and reports on all of it.

ProxiSpeak - Artificial Intelligence01
Our Invaluable Team of ProxiSpeak Employees

Our invaluable team of experts

The volume of Big Data we collect and the technology behind our Artificial Intelligence on their own make our resources among the best in the world.  But it’s our team of 25+ advertising experts who utilize that information and technology to create and implement a custom digital marketing programs for your brand bringing those advantages directly to your website, your property and your bottom line.

"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half."

150 years ago that huge waste of money was understandable. Our complimentary deep-dive data analysis reveals on average the numbers are almost just as bad today (and that is totally inexcusable)
John Wanamaker - 1838-1922
Department Store Magnate

"If you build it, they will come..." (assuming Google finds you, first and tells the world about you)

A voice in "Ray Kinsella's" head planted that "If you build it, they will come..." thought. Todays digital advertising reality adds a critical caveat, "but only if your SEO puts you on page one of Google..."
"Ray Kinsella" (Kevin Costner)
"Field of Dreams"

"Sometime you wanna' go where everybody knows your name and you're always glad they came..."

Basically "everyone" in your target market knows that song. Familiarity is key. Expertly implemented Proxi-Channel remarketing ensures "everybody knows your name" and keeps it on top of their minds
"Sam Malone" (Ted Danson)

Retirement Communities and Senior Living - our only focus...

More visitors to your “clicks and mortar” web property ultimately brings more visitors to your “bricks and mortar” property and it all begins with a phone call (and our deep-dive data analysis and experience-driven recommendations are yours to keep with absolutely no obligation!)  Click the “Let’s Talk” button to schedule a call.

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