Z – Pool Cleaning Services SEO

Your pool cleaning service website deserves to be on page 1 of Google and Bing!

For up to 93% of all internet searchers
there is no page 2 of Google or Bing

According to the statistics, 93% of web searchers NEVER go to page 2.  Even the “best” numbers indicate 85+% of all searches never go to page 2.  And page 3 or beyond?  Those numbers are in the tiny single digits.

That means, at  at worst nearly 19 out of 20 people will never find your pool cleaning service website if you aren’t on page 1 of Google or Bing (even the “best” number suggest 85% of web searchers never go to page 2).

(While Google is the absolute undisputed KING of the search engines, Bing is the default search engine on all Windows-based PCs and laptops and many people just don’t bother changing searches engines, so your website being on page 1 on Bing can’t hurt.)

We feel your pain... Getting your pool cleaning service website to page 1 of Google and Bing is a lot like turning a green pool crystal clear (it's an on-going battle that needs to be addressed constantly)

99.9999% of website owners don’t know that search engine results change regularly.  It can happen weekly, daily, even hourly.  In addition, you can perform the same search on your phone, your tablet, your desktop and the results can (and most likely will) be different (and for seemingly no apparent reason).

Keeping your website on page 1 is a lot like keeping a pool sparkling clean and crystal clear.  The results might look great this week, but stop working on it for a few weeks?  You know all too well what will happen and know it’s far more time-consuming and requires far more effort to bring it back to looking great if you do it once, stop working on it, let it turn green, have to fix it…

We face the exact same thing.  “Fame” (getting your pool cleaning business website on page one of Google and Bing) is fleeting and something that must be addressed day-in-and-day out or “the pool turns green” and your biz drops dramatically (into “obscurity” on page 2 or far worse!)  Our team and our technology monitors your website and works on where you rank around the clock to make sure you stay on page 1!


You are the unsung hero. You are the reason your clients LOVE their pool!

Decades ago when we were looking to move to Florida from the mid-west, the only houses we considered were ones with a great pool.  No pool?  Not even on our radar.  When we told our friends we had moved to Florida, the very first question they asked was, “Do you have a pool?”  Let’s face it because of what you do, your clients get the enjoyment of a sparkling clean pool.  At the end of the day they look at the crystal clear water and feel that sense of “Ah…  That’s beautiful.”

It’s your expertise that’s on full display when they jump into the pool on the weekend, when they have friends over, when the friends or relatives come to visit, their pool looks great and everybody loves it!

Asking "How can you get my site to page 1 of Google?" is a lot like your clients asking you, "How do you keep my pool so clean?"

When someone asks, “How do you keep my pool so clean?” of course you don’t launch into the nitty-gritty of the various chemicals you use, the equipment you use, talk about algaecides, salt chlorinators, filter types… 

You simply smile and say something along the lines of, “I combine a lot of hard work with years and years of experience to make certain your pool looks great!”

We do the same thing when someone asks us, “How can you get my website to page 1 of Google?”  Google considers countless factors when  determining what website should come up where in their search engine results (and those factors change continuously and the results of where your business website will show up in their rankings will, as well).

(Now, if you are having trouble falling asleep at night and want to be sent off to dreamland ASAP, give us a call and we will tell you about SSL/HTTPS, RankBrain, Quality Content, Keyword Usage, Site Speed, Keyword Density, Mobile Usability, User Experience, Site Architecture, Core Web Vitals, Google Analytics, Internal Links, External Links,  On-Page Optimization, Metadata, Schema, Local Search, Relevance, Distance, Prominence…  (feeling sleepy yet?))

Google Knows EVERYTHING (and that's the Inescapable BOTTOM LINE...)

If you remember only one thing from this page, here it is…  Google knows and sees EVERYTHING! (and will focus on more and more in the future!)  They use “Big Data” to know “EVERYTHING” about what happens on the internet around the world.  Around the clock they track what goes on while people are on the internet.  They are most interested in what people do who search on something, the sites they then pick out of the results that were returned, whether they “bounced” (a “bad thing”… if someone comes to your website and immediately navigates back to the search engine results page, that’s called a “bounce” and Google says, “Got it!  They were searching for “pool cleaning service near me” and the result they picked thinking it would provide them what they were looking for was so off the mark (for whatever reason, Google doesn’t care) they immediately kept on searching.” we’ll penalize that site because we only want to deliver the “perfect” sites for their search.  

Now, if someone searches, clicks on one of the results, goes to that website, stays on that website, navigates around that website, that tells Google, “Looks like they found what they were looking for!  It’s holding their interest.  We’ll reward them by giving them a better ranking.”

That data collection and analysis is done “live” in their data centers around the clock and it’s a constant battle (just like algae waiting to creep back into a pool (but at least in pool cleaning no one doing a great job cleaning a pool on the other side of your city won’t make your client pools green…  in our world someone on the other side of town (or the state or country!) can do great work getting their website noticed and it can turn our “pool” green because as we said at the very top of this page, there’s only 1 page 1 on Google and Bing (and EVERYONE wants to be there!!!)

We Put you on Page 1 - GUARANTEED

Our guarantee is super simple and straightforward.  We guarantee we will get your site to page 1 of Google in 3 months (or less) for the majority of the 12 most important keyword phrases people use when searching for a pool cleaning service or we will continue doing our work for the rest of the year (9 more months!) FOR FREE!

Though our guarantee sounds “over the top” (and in our industry, it is!) you know for a fact you would be willing to offer the exact same guarantee “I’ll make your pool water crystal clear in 3 months (or less) or the rest of the year I’ll keep working FOR FREE!” for your pool cleaning service.

Why would you have no problem doing that?  Because you are a pool cleaning expert, are really great at what you do and you know for a fact you could make someone’s pool crystal clear in 3 months or less so you would never have to worry about having to work for free for the remainder of the year.

That’s or the same reason we have no problem making that offer.  We know for a fact we can achieve that page 1 ranking for you, no problem (and, in the extraordinarily unlikely you are the first client for whom we haven’t been able to do that we would gladly work for the next 9 months for free!).

Hide a 'Dead Body' on page 2 of Google?

In our industry the “Where’s the best place to hide a dead body?” joke (the answer is: “On page 2 of Google”) is far too accurate to be funny.

For all intents and purposes “no one” goes to page 2 and have your pool cleaning service appear anywhere other than page 1 means your business is “invisible” to your prospects (to put it bluntly, you are ‘dead’ to them).

Our SiteBoost technology will fix that!:

Page Speed Counts

These days it’s no secret no one likes to wait and that is even more true when someone is surfing the internet.  A site that loads slowly gives a bad user experience and Google penalizes sites that load slowly (under 1 second is great, up to 1.5 seconds is good, up to 2.5 seconds is okay and above that is bad).  If you want to see how fast your site is, go to: tools.pingdom.com and enter your URL.

Hide a 'Dead Body' on page 2 of Google?

In our industry the “Where’s the best place to hide a dead body?” joke (the answer is on page 2 of Google) is far too accurate to be funny.

For all intents and purposes “no one” goes to page 2 and have your pool cleaning service appear anywhere other than page 1 means your business is “invisible” to your prospects (to put it bluntly, you are ‘dead’ to them).

Our SiteBoost technology will fix that!

Page Speed Counts

These days it’s no secret no one likes to wait and that is even more true when someone is surfing the internet.  A site that loads slowly gives a bad user experience and Google penalizes sites that load slowly (under 1 second is great, up to 1.5 seconds is good, up to 2.5 seconds is okay and above that is bad).  If you want to see how fast your site is, go to: tools.pingdom.com and enter your URL.

Our Invaluable Team of ProxiSpeak Employees

Our invaluable team of experts

The volume of Big Data we collect and the technology behind our Artificial Intelligence on their own make our resources among the best in the world.  But it’s our team of SEO, Marketing and Advertising experts who utilize that information and technology to create and implement a custom digital marketing program for your business bringing those advantages directly to your website, your property and your bottom line.

In Google’s view it’s all about the “user experience” (referred to in this business as “UX”).  There are a lot of things that go into user experience and here are the main ones to consider:

Page 1, More Clicks, More Calls, More Clients - That's what we do!

More visitors to your “clicks and mortar” web property ultimately brings more visitors to your “bricks and mortar” property and it all begins with a phone call (and our deep-dive data analysis and experience-driven recommendations are yours to keep with absolutely no obligation!)  Click the “Let’s Talk” button to schedule a call.

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